Aaron Fait
Aaron Fait (Bolzano 1972) è professore associato all'Università Ben Gurion in Israele.
Ha ricevuto il Master in studi ambientali all'Università di Tel Aviv, il dottorato in biochimica presso il Weizmann Institute of Science, concentrandosi sugli aspetti molecolari delle interazioni ambientali della pianta; il postdottorato presso il Max Planck Institut di Berlino inFisiologia Vegetale Molecolare.
Da otto anni guida il laboratorio di metabolomicapresso l'Università Ben Gurion, che indaga il metabolismo del seme della frutta e la risposta allo stress metabolico nelle colture.
Dal 2009 conduce numerosi progetti sulla viticoltura desertica e sul metabolismo dell'uva.
Le aree attuali e future di interesse scientifico saranno dedicate a chiarire:
(i) la regolamentazione del metabolismo della frutta (acini d'uva) in risposta agli stimoli ambientali;
(ii) la genetica di regolamentazione degli aminoacidi nei semi;
(iii) l'integrazione tra fisiologia e metabolismo per chiarire la risposta allo stress.
Aaron Fait (1972) is associate professor at Ben Gurion University in Israel. He received his MSc in environmental studies at Tel Aviv University, PhD in biochemistry at the Weizmann Institute of Science focusing on molecular aspects of plant environment interactions. Postdoc at the MPI for Plant Molecular Physiology, in the field of metabolomics and metabolic natural variance.
In the past 6 years at Ben Gurion University, leading the laboratory for metabolomics to investigate seed/fruit metabolism and metabolic stress response in crops. Since 2009 leading several projects in desert viticulture and grape metabolism. The projects leaded reflects, on the one, the motivation to improve crop quality/yield and, on the other, the interest in plant-environment interaction as reflected by the natural variability of metabolism and metabolic regulation. The integration of advanced metabolite profiling tools (GC/LC-MS) and plant genetic resources by the implementation of statistical tools including network analysis augmented with gene expression analysis characterised his career as PI, deepening his interests into the regulation of seed and fruit development and metabolism and plant environment interaction.
The current and future areas of scientific interest will be increasingly devoted to elucidating (i) the regulation of fruit (grape berry) metabolism in response to environmental cues, (ii) the genetics of amino acids regulation in seeds, and (iii) the integration of physiology and metabolism to elucidate stress response.