Call for Papers (Free Ebrei Serie 2018)

Call for papers, FREE EBREI SERIES 2018

Jews in Dialogue: Jewish Responses to the Challenges of Multicultural Contemporaneity



The editorial board of the online Journal of Contemporary Jewish Identity “Free Ebrei” invites submissions of articles for “Free Ebrei Series” – subseries of “Studies in Jewish History and Culture” (Brill) - 2018 annual volume dedicated to the topic of the Jewish involvement in the interfaith and intercultural dialogue. The Journal focuses on Jewish Studies, thus contributions referring to the interreligious and intercultural relations in the State of Israel, Jewish-Christian relations in post-Holocaust Europe and America, as well as to Jewish attitudes towards other cultures and religions in the most recent period, are particularly welcome.

We hope for a fruitful discussion, founded on a multidisciplinary viewpoint involving cultural, social, political, and religious perspectives, that would help to  comprehend the Jewish perceptions of the relations and dialogue with cultural and religious “other” in the contemporary world. The articles’ length should be between 30,000 and 60,000 characters (footnotes and spaces included. The deadline for submission is July 31, 2018, midnight CET time).

The journal adheres to a double-blind review policy in which the identity of both the reviewer and author are always concealed from both parties. Each article will be reviewed by two specialists selected by the editorial board.


The submissions should be emailed to the editorial board at as a Word file together with a short CV, a 200 word abstract and a statement guaranteeing that the work is original and unpublished, and that it is not being submitted to other journals simultaneously.

For more information about the Journal and the “Free Ebrei” Cultural Association, please visit our website